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Grupo Latina

Grupo Latina

Enfoca Sociedad Administradora de Fondos de Inversión S.A. is a company created in 2007 focused on investing on those economic sectors with the fastest growth (health, fishing, mining, communications, etc). They invest mainly in Peru, but they have the permits to invest in the Andes region. In 2012 the company bought the shares of Compañía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión S.A., owner of Latina Televisión. Through this channel they advertise some of the other business, such as Clínica Delgado. At the end of 2015, Latina Televisión and Panamericana Televisión announced a strategic Alliance to sell advertising space jointly and to share contents. Between January and September 2016, Latina Media – a company of Enfoca that owns channel 2- has signed several advertising contracts with the State with both cannel by a sum of 6 million dollars (20,3 million soles). Some of the Latina programs are broadcasted by Panamericana.

Enfoca SAFI manages four investment funds: Enfoca Descubridor 1 (S/. 693 millones), Enfoca Discovery 1 (US$ 158 millones), Enfoca Descubridor 2 (US$110 millones) and Enfoca Andean Investment (S/. 152 million). The main shareholders are the country’s largest pension funds –belonging to Credicorp and Grupo Sura-. The most important person of all the Enfoca companies is Jesús Zamora León, its founder. Among the most important companies in which they invest are: Pesquera Diamante, Talma, Red Auna, Clínica Delgado, Latina Televisión, Instituto de Formación Bancario and Minera La Gloria.

Key facts

Mother Company

Enfoca Sociedad Administradora de Fondos de Inversión S.A.

Business Form


Legal Form

Limited Company

Business Sectors

Mining, health, investments, ceramic tiles, fishing, transportation in airports.


Enfoca Asset Management Ltd.

Enfoca Asset Management Ltd is a company incorparated on the Cayman Islands. It was not until 2009 that Jesús Zamora, Jorge Basadre, Alberto Pascó-Font y Edgardo Cavalié were registered in Perú as representatives of the company. Although Zamora has all the power in Enfoca, it cannot be determined if this company has shareholders.


Individual Owner

Jesús Zamora León

Jesús Zamora is the chairman and founder of Enfoca and chairman of the board at Cía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión. He is an industrial engineer from the Universidad Autónoma de México and has an MBA from the Universidad de Columbia. Between 1994 and 1999, Zamora was director of the Banco de Crédito del Perú (Credit Bank of Peru). There he wove good relations with investors. He founded the first Enfoca company in 1999 to provide business and investment advice. He subsequently established Enfoca Investment Ltd in the Virgin Islands and Enfoca Asset Management Ltd in the Cayman Islands, and with them he established Enfoca Sociedad Gestora de Inversiones en Perú (Enfoca SAFI), a company that receives investments from pension funds to help them grow. Thanks to the investments made in this fund, Zamora has a stake in more than 50 associated companies, in addition to Latina Televisión. He participates in Minera La Gloria, Grupo Salud Perú (Peruvian Health Group), red de Salud Auna (Auna Health Network), Oncosalud, Talma, Laboratorio Cantella, Trebol, Celima and Cassinelli, among others.

< 0.1%
Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other Print Outlets

Revista Latina

Other TV Outlets

Latina Tv HD

Other Online Outlets


Media Business

Latina Media

With this Company, it sells advertising from Latina Televisión and Panamericana Televisión. Until September 2016, it had obtained US$ 6 million (S/ 20.3 million) through advertising accounts with the State.

Cía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión S.A.



Minera La Gloria , Minera Miski, Emerging Markets Investments, Potongos SAC, Rio Andina SAC


Consorcio Trecca, Grupo Salud del Perú SAC, GSP Servicios Comerciales SAC, GSP Inversiones, GSP Servicios Generales SAC, AUNA Clínica Delgado, Operador Estratégico SAC, Total Care SAC, R y R Patólogos Asociados SAC, Servimedicos SAC, Clínica Bellavista, Clinica AUNA Miraflores Piura, GSP Trujillo SAC, Clínica Vallesur S.A., Laboratorio Clínico Inmunológico Cantella SAC, Escuela Especializada en Ciencias de la Salud, Oncocenter Peru SAC, Oncosalud SAC


Enfoca Sociedad Administradora de fondos de inversión S.A., Salud SAC, Enfoca Descubridor 1, Enfoca Capita 1 ( fondo de inversión), Enfoca Descubridor 2 ( fondo de inversión), Enfoca Comunica SAC, Enfoca Cerámicos, Inversiones Educa, Enfoca Servicios Logisticos Sociedad Anonima Cerrada, Enfoca Asset Management Ltd, Enfoca Investment Ltd

Ceramic tiles

Corporación Ceramica S.A. – Trebol, Inversiones Ceramica SAC


Pesquera Diamante



Baltazar y Nicolas Asociacion Civil sin fines de lucro

Enfoca Asset Management Ltd

General Information

Founding Year



Jesús Zamora León

Affiliated Interests Founder

Jesús Zamora is the chairman and founder of Enfoca and chairman of the board at Cía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión. He is an industrial engineer from the Universidad Autónoma de México and has an MBA from the Universidad de Columbia. Between 1994 and 1999, Zamora was director of the Banco de Crédito del Perú (Credit Bank of Peru). There he wove good relations with investors. He founded the first Enfoca company in 1999 to provide business and investment advice. He subsequently established Enfoca Investment Ltd in the Virgin Islands and Enfoca Asset Management Ltd in the Cayman Islands, and with them he established Enfoca Sociedad Gestora de Inversiones en Perú (Enfoca SAFI), a company that receives investments from pension funds to help them grow. Thanks to the investments made in this fund, Zamora has a stake in more than 50 associated companies, in addition to Latina Televisión. He participates in Minera La Gloria, Grupo Salud Perú (Peruvian Health Group), red de Salud Auna (Auna Health Network), Oncosalud, Talma, Laboratorio Cantella, Trebol, Celima and Cassinelli, among others.


Enfoca Sociedad Administradora de Fondos de Inversión: 18 workers and 3 sevice providers, Latina Media S.A.C: 17 workers, Cía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión: 698 workers and 22 service providers.


Av. San Felipe 968, Jesús María, Lima.

Teléfono: (511) 2191000

Página web:

Tax/ ID Number

20100163986 RUC

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Missing data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data


Executive Board

Jesús Antonio Zamora León

Chairman of the Board. Jesús Zamora is the chairman and founder of Enfoca and chairman of the board at Cía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión. He is an industrial engineer from the Universidad Autónoma de México and has an MBA from the Universidad de Columbia. Between 1994 and 1999, Zamora was director of the Banco de Crédito del Perú (Credit Bank of Peru). There he wove good relations with investors. He founded the first Enfoca company in 1999 to provide business and investment advice. He subsequently established Enfoca Investment Ltd in the Virgin Islands and Enfoca Asset Management Ltd in the Cayman Islands, and with them he established Enfoca Sociedad Gestora de Inversiones en Perú (Enfoca SAFI), a company that receives investments from pension funds to help them grow. Thanks to the investments made in this fund, Zamora has a stake in more than 50 associated companies, in addition to Latina Televisión. He participates in Minera La Gloria, Grupo Salud Perú (Peruvian Health Group), red de Salud Auna (Auna Health Network), Oncosalud, Talma, Laboratorio Cantella, Trebol, Celima and Cassinelli, among others.

Non-Executive Board

Edgardo Cavalié

Legal manager in Enfoca SAFI. He has a Juris Doctor and Master of Laws from Columbia University, specialized in mergers, acquisitions and international transaction. He is the representative of several of the companies managed by Enfoca.

Other Influential People

Andrés Badra

General Manager of Cía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión and of Latina Media SAC. Venezuelan with 30 years’ experience in media. He was Media Business Director of Medcom (Panama), General Manager of La Tele, Programming Planning Director at E! Networks and at RCTV (Venezuela).

Further Information

Meta Data

Although it is of public knowledge that Latina belongs to Enfoca, it cannot be determined with precision who the investors are, because the company that owns Enfoca SAFI is incorporated in a tax heaven.

  • Project by
    Ojo Publico
    Global Media Registry
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