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Gustavo Adolfo Mohme Seminario

Gustavo Adolfo Mohme Seminario

Gustavo Mohme Seminario is the eldest son and principal heir of the founder of the “La República” newspaper, Gustavo Mohme Llona. He has been the visible face and director of this newspaper since his father died, he is also majority shareholder of all the companies in the group. Chairman of the board of Grupo La República S.A. He is an engineer by profession, and a journalist and businessman by trade. Before leading the newspaper “La República,” he was general manager of the group. He was president of the “Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (Inter-American Press Association)” (IAPA) for the period 2014-2015 and is currently vice president of the SIP Executive Committee. He was a member of the board and of the “Consejo Consultivo Editorial (Editorial Advisory Council)” of América Televisión. In the Power Survey, he is considered the eighth most influential journalist in the country. Ideologically, he is center-left. In the 2011 election, under his leadership, the newspaper “La República” supported the candidacy of Ollanta Humala. And during his rule, he also supported some of the measures. In other businesses, Mohme Seminario is a shareholder and agent of Gmovil, a company that belongs to the “La República” group that is dedicated to electronic money, and the family-owned real estate company Hetir SAC, which acquired M&M Desarrollo Inmobiliario S.A.. Main shareholder, Chairman of the Board and CEO of the newspaper La República.

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets


Printing business

Real estate

Electronic money

Sale of discounts

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Gustavo Mohme Llona (1930-2000)

Father. He was founder and director of the newspaper “La República”. Businessman, politician and journalist. He was a civil engineer by profession. In 1955, he founded the construction company "Woodman & Mohme" along with Arturo Woodman Pollit. This company lasted 25 years and built important structures in the north of the country. He was a member of the center party “Acción Popular (Popular Action).” Due to some discrepancies with the president Fernando Belaunde Terry, he founded the division “Acción Popular Socialista (Socialist Popular Action)” in 1967. In 1982 he founded the left-wing newspaper “La República” and, two years later, the tabloid “El Popular.” In 1985 and 1990 he was elected Senator for “Izquierda Unida (Left United).” His work was interrupted by the military coup in 1992, but in 1995 he returned to Congress with Javier Perez de Cuellar’s party, who was the former secretary-general of the United Nations. During this period he was a strong opponent to Alberto Fujimori’s dictatorship both in Congress and in the management of the newspaper. In the final years of the Fujimori regime, he suffered slanderous attacks through the tabloid newspapers, which were funded by the dictatorship. He died in 2000 when he had been reelected congressman. The press room in the Peruvian Congress bears his name, in recognition of his work. He had other companies: Empresa Latinoamericana de Transporte S.A.C. (transport of heavy loads), Centro Laser Angamos S.A. (cosmetics), W & M Contrat Gnrales SA Cefoisa Asoc (building construction) and Importadora y exportadora Angamos S.A. (Wholesale of household goods).

Further Information


Superintendencia Nacional de Administración Tributaria.

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    Global Media Registry
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