Hugo Delgado Nachtigall
Chairman of the board of GRUPORPP. Former member of the Governing Board of Confederación Nacional de Instituciones Empresariales Privadas - Confiep (2011-2013). He has been member of the Governing Board of Sociedad Nacional de Radio y Televisión three times: as president (2011-2012), treasurer (2013-2014) and secretary (2015-present). He is not affiliated to any political party
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
Honorary President and founder of the RPP GROUP. Peruvian businessman whose family plays an important part in the history of telecommunications in Peru.He is the youngest son of Genaro Delgado Parker and Rachel Brandt Murguía. He is married to Frieda Nachtigall Valderrama, with whom he had six children: Hugo, Manuel, Frida, Úrsula, Claudia and Nathalia. He was administrator of Radio Panamericana in its beginnings and manager of Panamericana Television. After the law of expropriation of official media communication during the government of General Velasco (1971), he went into voluntary exile to Central America and the US for eight years. Upon his return, he transformed RPP into a 24-hour informative radio station. In 1998 he sold his stake in Panamericana Televisión to Ernesto Schutz Landazuri and acquired 100% of shares of the radio. He formed the RPP Group with his children. * Vice president of the board of GRUPORPP. Bachelor in Business Administration from the Universidad de Lima. General manager of at least 15 real estate –related companies in various parts of the country.He was part of the board of Rokmaster Resources Corp., mining company based in Vancouver. Business associate of BO Consulting S.A., Peruvian company which gives consultations to companies in the mining area. He is not affiliated to any political party.
Board member and head of the Social Responsibility Area of GRUPORPP. Economist, with a Master on Business Administration from ESAN. Former vice-president and member of the governing board 2016-2018 of the Peruvian Press Council (CPP). President of Integration, Institute of analysis and communication. Member of the governing board of Lima Cómo Vamos, citizens’ observatory. Founding member of the Asociación Empresarios por la Educación (ExE). She is not affiliated to any political party.
Minority shareholder of GRUPORPP S.A.C. Peruvian, social communicator, married to Ernesto Schütz Freundt, son of Ernesto Schütz Landázuri, a television businessman who is a fugitive from the Peruvian justice due to crime of embezzlement after the disclosure of a video in which he received US$ 10 millones directly from Vladimiro Montesinos, presidential advisor of Alberto Fujimori. Due to his double nationality, his extradition request made by the Peruvian government to the Swiss government failed. She is not affiliated to any political party.
Social communicator. Minoritary shareholder of GRUPORPP S.A.C. Married to Carlos Bisso López de Romaña, both are members of the Sodalitium Christianae Vitaeis, that is, they feel identified with the spirituality of the Sodalitium and are commited to build a christian home and to participate actively in the evangelizing mission of the Church.
Minoritary shareholder of GRUPORPP S.A.C.
Patriarch of the Delgado Parker family. Genaro Delgado Brandt was a radio entrepreneur since 1937. He used to own Radio Internacional, Radio Panamericana and the Unión de Radiodifusoras (Union of Radio Stations) in Peru (which grouped 7 stations together). Married to Raquel Parker Murguia, they had five children: Genaro, Héctor, Manuel, Vilma and Raquel Delgado Parker, who have also been linked to the telecommunications sector.
Peruvian broadcaster par excellence and the oldest brother in the family, he followed his father’s steps from a very early age. Together with his brother Héctor, he purchased the licenses of Libertad and Panamericana radio stations. He was the founder of Panamericana Televisión in 1959, he brought the first cable TV companies to the market (Celular 2000). He created many companies abroad. GDP Steel Inc., G.D. Parker Inc., M.Vanini Investments Inc., Vilanova S.A., Inversiones Delgado Parker S.A. and Corporación Vicmar S.A.
Partner of his brother, Genaro Delgado Parker, made his first ventures in radio and television. He worked for his father’s radio stations until Genaro decided to drive the launch of the TV channel. He worked in sales and advertising at Panamericana Televisión. He owned 15% of the shares. He founded several companies abroad: Amigo Satellite Television Inc., Inversiones Delgado Parker S.A. and Alternativa Tecnologica S.A. He was a friend and adviser to former Alan García Pérez during his first term in office. He was kidnapped for seven months by the Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru in 1989. He died in 1995.
Further Information
ALEGRÍA, Alonso. OAX: Crónica de la radio en el Perú (1925-1990). Lima, Radioprogramas Editores (2° edición), 1993.
CPI. Audiencias radiales 2015: Resumen anual. Market report N° 03, marzo 2016.
CPI. Cobertura y calidad de señal televisiva y radial a nivel nacional urbano 2016. Market report N° 08, octubre 2016.
GAMARRA, Luis Felipe y José María SALCEDO. Historias de un país que avanza. 2013, Santillana S.A., 96 págs.
Portal institucional del GRUPORPP S.A.C.
Perú: The Top 10 000 Companies 2016 - Las 10 000 principales empresas del Perú (edición bilingüe). Lima, Perú Top Publications, 2016.