Raquel Delgado Parker Vda. De Alcántara

Chairman of the board of Grupo Panamericana de Radios S.A. (GPR S.A.). Peruvian executive, she took control of Radio Panamericana after her brothers Héctor and Genaro left the country to work abroad, as a result of the expropriation of the television media that occurred during the military government of Juan Velasco Alvarado (1971). Her management modernized the station and it became one of the most tuned stations.
She was married to Carlos Alcántara Butterfield, a prominent surgeon who did the first heart transplants in the country, but died in 1999. She had five children: Carlos, Manuel, Kelly, Susana and Mauricio Alcántara Delgado. Susana and Maurice involved more with Radio Panamericana: During the 80s and 90s, both of them worked as broadcasters and at present Mauricio is a member of the board of directors of GPR S.A.
Chairman of the board of Constructora Flandes S.A. She does not have any political affiliation.
Family & Friends
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Pathriarc of the Delgado Parker family. Genaro Delgado Brandt was a radio entrepreneur since 1937. He used to own Radio Internacional, Radio Panamericana and the Unión de Radiodifusoras (Union of Radio Stations) in Peru (which grouped 7 stations together). Married to Raquel Parker Murguia, they had five children: Genaro, Héctor, Manuel, Vilma and Raquel Delgado Parker, who have also been linked to the telecommunications sector.
Peruvian broadcaster par excellence and the oldest brother in the family, he followed his father’s steps from a very early age. Together with his brother Héctor, he purchased the licenses of Libertad and Panamericana radio stations. He was the founder of Panamericana Televisión in 1959, he brought the first cable TV companies to the market (Celular 2000). He created many companies abroad. GDP Steel Inc., G.D. Parker Inc., M.Vanini Investments Inc., Vilanova S.A., Inversiones Delgado Parker S.A. and Corporación Vicmar S.A.
Partner of his brother, Genaro Delgado Parker, made his first ventures in radio and television. He worked for his father’s radio stations until Genaro decided to drive the launch of the TV channel. He worked in sales and advertising at Panamericana Televisión. He owned 15% of the shares. He founded several companies abroad: Amigo Satellite Television Inc., Inversiones Delgado Parker S.A. and Alternativa Tecnologica S.A. He was a friend and adviser to former Alan García Pérez during his first term in office. He was kidnapped for seven months by the Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru in 1989. He died in 1995.
Honorary President and founder of the RPP GROUP. He is the youngest son of the family. He was administrator of Radio Panamericana in its beginnings and manager of Panamericana Television. After the law of expropriation of official media communication during the government of General Velasco (1971), he went into voluntary exile to Central America and the US for eight years. Upon his return, he transformed RPP into a 24-hour informative radio station. In 1998 he sold his stake in Panamericana Televisión to Ernesto Schutz Landazuri and acquired 100% of shares of the radio. He formed the RPP Group with his children.
Member of the board of GPR S.A. Peruvian executive, married to Fernando Torres Tesolini. Director General of Constructora Flandes S.A. She prefers to keep a low profile attitude, away from the cameras and the press. She does not have any political affiliation.
General Manager of GPR S.A. He is son of Carlos Alcántara Butterfield and Raquel Delgado Parker, and he studied at UCLA in California. He worked as a radio presenter and producer of Radio Panamericana in the eighties. He was the chief executive of Nutra S.A., a company that brought the Dunkin Donuts franchise to Peru and was later acquired by NG Restaurants S.A., the gastronomic holding company of the Interbank Group. Director of Constructora Flandes S.A. He does not register any affiliation to any political party. Married to María Elena del Rosario Ibarra Portella de Alcántara.
Daughter of Carlos Alcántara Butterfield and Raquel Delgado Parker, during the 70s and 80s she worked as radio broadcaster in Radio Panamericana. Later, she would be interested in confectionary (she studied to be a chef in Peru and ice cream making in Argentina). With her daughter Romina Remy, she runs a company called Dulce Crema S.A.C., a chain of ice-cream shops which operate under the name of Anelare.
Further Information
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There are not many headllines or news related to Grupo Panamericana de Radios S.A., its media or owners.
ALEGRÍA, Alonso. OAX: Crónica de la radio en el Perú (1925-1990). Lima, Radioprogramas Editores (2° edición), 1993.
CPI. Audiencias radiales 2015: Resumen anual. Market report N° 03, marzo 2016.
CPI. Cobertura y calidad de señal televisiva y radial a nivel nacional urbano 2016. Market report N° 08, octubre 2016.
Portal institucional del Grupo Panamericana de Radios S.A.
Perú: The Top 10 000 Companies 2016 - Las 10 000 principales empresas del Perú (edición bilingüe). Lima, Perú Top Publications, 2016.