Latina is the second most important television channel of the country for its audience. Several of its programs are listed in the Ibope 100 most watched shows. It programming includes primarily entertainment content. At the beginning, they transmitted mainly foreign productions – sold by Mexican Angel Gonzales’ companies - but they was gradually giving way to local production and blockbuster films in primetime to position itself in the most popular sectors. In 1992 the Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso) terrorist organization detonated a car bomb in front of the channel. Two safety guards and the director of the main news were killed during this attack. After denounces against the Fujimori’s regime, Baruch Ivcher lost his nationality and the channel passed to the hands of the brothers Samuel and Mendel Winter. The new administrators of Frecuencia Latina put the channel at the service of the dictatorship in exchange for money. The fall of the regime also made this administration fell and the channel returned to Ivcher. In 2010 they made the first transmissions in HD signal. Two years later, Ivcher sold channel shares to Enfoca. In 2014, they changed their image and their name to Latina. The following year, they announced entering into an alliance with Panamericana Televisión to sell advertising jointly and exchange productions. This year, Latina Media -the company owner of the channel- increased its capital up to S/.184'756,383.00. The channel has been involved in controversy for its fines for inadequate programs during child protection schedules.
Audience Share
Missing data
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
National coverage
Content Type
Free content
Media Companies / Groups
Grupo Latina
Group / Individual Owner
Latina Media
Latina Media is a Company that is owned by Latina Comunica SAC (239’165,251 shares) and Jesús Zamora León (1 share). not only manages Cía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión, but it also sells advertising space on Panamericana Televisión. Latina Comunica is, in turn, owned by Enfoca Comunicaciones This one is owned by Enfoca Descubridor 1 Investment Fund (197,465,350 shares) and Jesús Zamora León (1 share). This investment receives capital from AFPs Prima and Integra and the insurance company Pacífico Peruano Suiza. Enfoca Descubridor 1 Investment fund belongs to Enfoca Sociedad Gestora de Inversiones.
Enfoca Sociedad Administradora de Fondos de Inversión
Enfoca Sociedad Administradora de Fondos de Inversión (Investment Fund Administrator) is a company that invests in various sectors such as health, airports, fishing, etc. The most important person in all of the Enfoca companies is Jesús Zamora León. It owns 4 investment funds: Focus Discoverer 1 (S /. 693 million), Enfoca Discovery 1 (US$ 158 million), Enfoca Descubridor 2 (US$ 110 million) and Enfoca Andean Investment (S /. 152 million). The company is owned by Enfoca Asset Management Ltd (3,374,610 shares), a company established in the Cayman Islands, and Jesús Zamora León (1 share).
General Information
Founding Year
Bernardo Batievsky (+1993), Baruch Ivcher, los hermanos Samuel y Mendel Winter (shareholder) y Remigio Morales Bermúdez.
Affiliated Interests Founder
Batievsky was a publicist, filmmaker and scriptwriter. He was the first director of the channel. He founded the company Cía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión in 1980 jointly with Compañía Conade S.A., Gruber Inversiones S.A. and Jaime Delgado Aparicio. However, it was not until his partnership with Ivcher, the Winter brothers and Morales Bermúdez that the channel became a reality.
was a major broadcaster. He presided over the board of the then-channel Frecuencia Latina in two periods and was the visible face of the medium for several decades. He is an Israeli businessman who came to Peru in 1970 to secure the Paraíso mattress factory that his brother had established in 1967, and was quite successful. He became associated with Bernardo Batievsky and the Winter brothers in order to establish channel 2. Because the law prohibited any foreigner from owning a media organization and he had not yet been nationalized, his initial participation went through the notary Luis Vargas. He was married and was nationalized in Peru in 1984. Following the release of several reports denouncing acts of corruption, Alberto Fujimori's government withdrew his Peruvian nationality alleging flaws in the procedure. With that, he lost control of the channel and was went into exile. His case was filed with the Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights). Upon the fall of the dictatorship, he recovered his nationality, regained control of the company and the state made a payment of 20 million soles as compensation. He is a friend of former President Alan García Pérez. In September of 2013, Ivcher sold his shares in the channel to Enfoca, of Jesus Zamora.
were owners of the chocolate factory Winter. They also had a Jewesh origin. Their initial contribution to the project was operating license for the channel. They were minority shareholders until a fight broke out between Ivcher and the Fujimori’s regime. Once their partner was deprived of his nacionality, they took the direction of the channel. They sold the editorial line in exchange for money. They served sentence in a prison and they were stripped of their shares in the channel.
is the son of the former dictator. Businessman.
Jesús Zamora
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Jesús Zamora is the chairman and founder of Enfoca and chairman of the board at Cía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión. He is an industrial engineer from the Universidad Autónoma de México and has an MBA from the Universidad de Columbia. Between 1994 and 1999, Zamora was director of the Banco de Crédito del Perú (Credit Bank of Peru). There he wove good relations with investors. He founded the first Enfoca company in 1999 to provide business and investment advice. He subsequently established Enfoca Investment Ltd in the Virgin Islands and Enfoca Asset Management Ltd in the Cayman Islands, and with them he established Enfoca Sociedad Gestora de Inversiones en Perú (Enfoca SAFI), a company that receives investments from pension funds to help them grow. Thanks to the investments made in this fund, Zamora has a stake in more than 50 associated companies, in addition to Latina Televisión. He participates in Minera La Gloria, Grupo Salud Perú (Peruvian Health Group), red de Salud Auna (Auna Health Network), Oncosalud, Talma, Laboratorio Cantella, Trebol, Celima and Cassinelli, among others.
Augusto Álvarez Rodrich
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
Augusto Álvarez Rodrich is an economist and journalist. Information manager at Latina TV. Columnist at “La República”. Chairman of the Board at the Instituto de Prensa y Sociedad (Institute of Press and Society) (IPYS). The latest survey of power in Peru placed him as the third most powerful journalist in television and printed media. Former director of Perú21 and former ATV presenter. He is one of eight journalists who reported “El Comercio” for violating freedom of expression laws following the commercial operation that culminated in the purchase of a large portion of the shares in Epensa (now Prensmart) in 2013. He worked for Grupo Apoyo between 1980 and 2000. He was vice president of Osiptel, vice president of the Indecopi commission of access and exit to the market and director of Interbank.
Other Important People
Jorge Alberto Basadre Brazzini, Andrés Alberto Badra Badra, Mónica Delta Parodi, Aldo Mariátegui Bosse,
Affiliated Interests other important people
Vice president of the Board at Latina. General Manager at Enfoca S.A. Chairman of the board at Minera La Gloria, and 20 companies associated with Enfoca. He holds an MBA in the Harvard Business School.
General Manager of Cía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión and of Latina Media SAC. Venezuelan with 30 years’ experience in media. He was Media Business Director of Medcom (Panama), General Manager of La Tele, Programming Planning Director at E! Networks and at RCTV (Venezuela)
is the current host of the program Punto Final. She is the most experienced presenter of the channel. She participates in meetings to arrange and decide special news coverage.
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
US$ 83,3 million (S/. 236,7 million ) (2014)
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
State advertising: US $ 6.2 million (S /. 21.1 million) (2015)
Market Share
Missing data
Further Information
Meta Data
Although it is public knowledge that Latina belongs to Enfoca, it is not known who the true shareholders of the parent company established in Grand Cayman are.
Historia de Paríso
¿La Estafa Seguirá Impune?
Linkedin de Gabriel Derteano
Superintendencia Nacional de Administración Tributaria
Superintendencia Nacional de Registros Públicos
Información oficial de Enfoca
Gobierno pagó a Baruch Ivcher indemnización de S/. 20 millones
Controversia sobre la nacionalidad de Ivcher
Inicios de Baruch Ivcher en Perú
Zamora fue presidente de Sedapal
Perfil de Zamora
Historia del lanzamiento de canal 2
Multas a Latina
Multas a Latina 2
Multas a Latina 3
Perfil Jorge Alberto Bassadre
Perfil de Jorge Basadre
Perfil de Andrés Badra
Perfil de Jesús Zamora
Historia de fundación de canal 2