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Global Media Registry

Online Media

MOM Peru has investigated the owners, their other media outlets and their affiliated interests of the 10 most important digital media outlets in Peru. They were selected according to the available audience shares. The order of the media below reflects its position in the audience share. 

The digital media market

The arrival of the Internet in Peru at the beginning of the 1990s revolutionized the mass media market, which until that time had been dominated by television, radio and print media. Milestones during this era included: in 1991, during the government of Alberto Fujimori, the first email was sent;  in 1993 the Peruvian Scientific Network (RCP) become the administrator of domain names and IP numbers; in 1994 the first web site was created.

In 1995 Caretas magazine launched the first online version of a traditional print publication. The country’s other main media followed suit shortly afterwards: La República (1996), RPP (1996), Perú.com (1997), El Comercio (1997) and América Televisión (1998), among others.  Over the subsequent two decades, the digital environment nationally and internationally has changed in ways not previously imaginable. 

There are currently more than 12 million Internet users in Peru (39% of the population), making it the 7th largest consumer market in Latin America. Some 66% of those who access digital media do so via their computer and 30% through smartphones. 

The online news market is dominated by the El Comercio Group, which has 15 digital media outlets (in 2010 the group bought its competitor,, the advertising investment exceeding S/350 million (US$107 million) in 2018.  As is the case right around the world, the social networking giant Facebook has become the largest distributor of virtual content and is one of the major advertising recipients.

A 2015 report by the Peruvian chapter of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), indicated that 91.8% of advertising sales went to just five digital media enterprises, headed by the Telefónica and Claro mobile telephone companies, prior to the arrival of new brands in the market.  When the same organization included ten online media operators, the estimate reached a 98.7% concentration of the total advertising investment.

El Comercio is the digital news media outlet with the greatest Internet traffic according to the IAB, recording an average of 20 million unique users per month in 2015 and reaching a historic high of 25.7 million in June of that year. Following some distance behind in IAB’s rankings were the online versions of RPP (radio), the América Televisión channel (El Comercio) and the La Republica newspaper, as well as the digital media native (El Comercio).

  • Project by
    Ojo Publico
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by